Monday, October 6, 2014


DALLAS - The case of Ebola first appeared in the United States (USA). Tuesday (30/9) Uncle Sam's media reported that a man who had just returned from Liberia positively infected by the deadly virus. The news shocked the Liberian community in the City of Dallas, State of Texas. "The condition of the man who was not identified was critical and is now undergoing treatment in the isolation of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital," said one federal health official told a news conference. Reportedly, the ebola patients undergoing treatment in isolation since Sunday (28/9). Until Wednesday (1/10) the man's medical condition has not improved. Community of Liberians in the largest city of Texas was also upset. They worry about contracting a virus that can spread rapidly through the body fluids. To quell the panic residents, the city government to track the whole family and relatives and friends of patients. Especially those who interact since the patient back to Dallas. "So far no one else who detected the virus in addition to the man," said local health authorities. Before finally tested positive for Ebola suffering, patient was in Dallas about a week.
But, she had complained of pain after four or five days from the date of his arrival on September 19. Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) Tom Frieden claimed not to obtain complete information about the chronology of the infection of the patient. "There is no doubt that we will prevent the spread of this epidemic in the United States. But, during the epidemic continues to spread in Africa, it seems we must ekstrawaspada, "he said. Frieden added, the next few weeks is still a critical time for the United States, especially Dallas. Therefore, there is still the possibility of the virus to infect another person. Only, it has not been infected individuals show symptoms or signs of contracting ebola. "It could be another case emerged after a gap of a few weeks," he said. Separately, Stanley Gaye who served as supreme leader of Liberian Community Association in Dallas-Fort Worth officer dubious statements about the absence of other people who are infected. "We have appealed to all members of the community to stay away from social gatherings and crowds. But, we must be sure that all relatives of patients already undergoing testing, "he said.

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