Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hard work and discipline are often cited as a key success factor . Make no mistake , there are a number of simple activities that also play an important role helping many people achieve great success in the future . You bedtime habits could even be a determinant of personal success . Here are five habits of the super successful before bed : READING A BOOKS: Bill Gates is a billionaire who is addicted to reading the book . Every night before bed , he always took the time for an hour to read a book with a variety of topics ranging from politics to events . In addition in order to increase knowledge , reading can also reduce stress and improve the ability to remember . Essex University study found , read six minutes per day can reduce stress levels by 68 percent . Reading books at night also can improve your brain health in the long times. TURN OFF ALL GADGETS: Every night before bed , Arianna Huffington always putting a cell phone ( mobile phone ) her in another room . It was so sleep was not disturbed . Research Charles Czeisler of Harvard University show rhythm sleep disorder in a person who reflected on the phone's screen . It can make the body feel tired even when being need rest . STREETS: Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne always took a short walk before bed . He was a walk to relieve his mind of work . Slowly , simple activities that can help remove fatigue and stress after a long day of busy career . In addition , a study also proves , running can improve your creativity . MEDITATION: There is a certain amount of time in which a few super successful people like Oprah Winfrey feels very depressed with all of his work . Stillness meditation sessions can provide that help you release all the fatigue after work . Meditation has also been proven to reduce stress , excessive anxiety , and depression . So please try to do meditation before bed . DEVELOPE PLANS TOMORROW: CEO Kenneth Chenault of American Express always trying to manage time and activities well . So he put an end to the whole busy in the office by making agenda . Before going to bed , write down three things he wanted to do next morning . The researchers say , the habit to set the agenda of activities can help people build a career in the long term . Sources of lifehack.org

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