Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unmanned NASA rocket exploded

An unmanned Antares rocket is seen exploding seconds after lifting off from a commercial launch pad in this still image from video NASA at Wallops Island, Virginia October 28, 2014. The 14-story rocket, built and Launched by Orbital Sciences Corp., bolted off its seaside launch pad at the Wallops Flight Facility at 6:22 pm EDT / 2222 GMT. It exploded seconds later. The cause of the accident was not Immediately available. An unmanned Antares rocket is seen exploding seconds after lifting off from a commercial launch pad in this still image from video NASA at Wallops Island, Virginia October 28, 2014. An unmanned Antares rocket is seen exploding seconds after lifting off from a commercial launch pad in this still image from video NASA at Wallops Island, Virginia October 28, 2014. An unmanned Antares rocket is seen exploding seconds after lifting off from a commercial launch pad in this still image from video NASA at Wallops Island, Virginia October 28, 2014.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Fond of fishing , but are often frustrated because never get a fish ? Try to use Sonar FishHunter . This portable fish finder tool allows you to know the depth , temperature , and any location that many fish . FishHunter Sonar has a size compact enough to carry while fishing . How to use it is also quite easy , you just need to download the application available for free on Google Play for Android devices or Apple's App Store for iOS . Once the application is installed , connect the Sonar with a smartphone via Bluetooth connection . Then release FishHunter Sonar to sea or lake.When find a set or fish habitat , these devices will send the information directly into your smartphone . FishHunter Sonar will stay connected with the smartphone to a radius of 25 meters . The device can detect the presence of fish to a depth of 30 meters to 40 meters . Sonar FishHunter secret ability to discover the presence of fish lies in the use of technology Sonar (sound navigation and ranging ) that uses sound frequencies to be able to describe the circumstances surrounding . For information , sonar is actually the natural capability bat and dolphin are also typically used to communicate .

Saturday, October 11, 2014


This is the 7 jobs that do not require a college degree but simply produce the equivalent of a salary man who has a bachelor's degree: babysitter Be responsible for other people's children can be a difficult task, but get paid a salary high enough aliases. Especially if you are fortunate to work as a babysitter for the children of the rich. Nanny salary plus benefits is high. If you love children, why not choose it as part of your career? Dog walker Everything related to dog care has the potential to score a lot of money, especially if you've experienced more than four years. If you ever become a dog walker, then you have the potential to make your life support There are dozens of dogs out there who live in mansions belonging to people are. In America, the work of a dog walker even produce over 100 thousand dollars a year. bartender Potential earnings bartender was also very large. Working in a hotel bar, for example, promises you a steady income, plus generous tips from the deep pockets of visitors. In big cities, the bartender can score a lot of money. However, bartending is not an easy job as it requires expertise, and do not forget the ability to socialize with visitors. Real estate agents Working in real estate to help people find their dream home is a promising job. You will earn a commission, especially if it helps find a dream home worth billions, you can. concierge If you have the talent to make others happy, then the job of a concierge is one option for you. The concierge at the hotel for instance, you can help newly married couples for example, find a restaurant or a romantic meal for them. Communication skills you have can lead you to gain money at your place of work. Personal trainer If you do not mind sweating and screaming for physical exercise, then a personal trainer is suitable for your job. If you can motivate others to eliminate folds stomach or lose weight then this is an excellent career choice. If you are interested in health and fitness, like to exercise in the gym but can not afford to buy his workout equipment, then it became a personal trainer here is the solution. You will have a more flexible schedule, met many interesting people, and improve your communication skills. Officers call center If you master several languages​​, especially English, then you can work in a call center. Your job is easy, that is pick up the phone and answering their complaints.

Monday, October 6, 2014


DALLAS - The case of Ebola first appeared in the United States (USA). Tuesday (30/9) Uncle Sam's media reported that a man who had just returned from Liberia positively infected by the deadly virus. The news shocked the Liberian community in the City of Dallas, State of Texas. "The condition of the man who was not identified was critical and is now undergoing treatment in the isolation of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital," said one federal health official told a news conference. Reportedly, the ebola patients undergoing treatment in isolation since Sunday (28/9). Until Wednesday (1/10) the man's medical condition has not improved. Community of Liberians in the largest city of Texas was also upset. They worry about contracting a virus that can spread rapidly through the body fluids. To quell the panic residents, the city government to track the whole family and relatives and friends of patients. Especially those who interact since the patient back to Dallas. "So far no one else who detected the virus in addition to the man," said local health authorities. Before finally tested positive for Ebola suffering, patient was in Dallas about a week.
But, she had complained of pain after four or five days from the date of his arrival on September 19. Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) Tom Frieden claimed not to obtain complete information about the chronology of the infection of the patient. "There is no doubt that we will prevent the spread of this epidemic in the United States. But, during the epidemic continues to spread in Africa, it seems we must ekstrawaspada, "he said. Frieden added, the next few weeks is still a critical time for the United States, especially Dallas. Therefore, there is still the possibility of the virus to infect another person. Only, it has not been infected individuals show symptoms or signs of contracting ebola. "It could be another case emerged after a gap of a few weeks," he said. Separately, Stanley Gaye who served as supreme leader of Liberian Community Association in Dallas-Fort Worth officer dubious statements about the absence of other people who are infected. "We have appealed to all members of the community to stay away from social gatherings and crowds. But, we must be sure that all relatives of patients already undergoing testing, "he said.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


According to Dr. Yepes, “Stress management is very important because, sooner or later, the mental energy generated by stress can produce different somatic syndromes, including potential angina in patients with underlying coronary artery disease.” Beyond adverse health issues, stress can also manifest within office productivity itself. In many cases, poorly managed stress will directly – and negatively – impact a professional’s work performance. “Lack of concentration in a stressful situation or environment can affect productivity not only at work but also in other aspects of the individual social environment and family relationships,” Dr. Yepes continued. Simple Steps to Reduce Stress At Work Dr. Cesar Yepes has worked with countless patients, many of whom describe their problems with stress and stress management. He recommends the following steps to help diminish stress triggers and improve overall wellness in the workplace and beyond: Get organized. This step may seem simple, but it carries tremendous benefits for stress at work. Even something as simple as rearranging your desk can help reduce feeling overwhelmed or stressed out at the office. Set and follow realistic goals. Goal setting is an effective tool for overall work performance. But when those goals become too lofty or too unrealistic, they only add more stress to a professional environment. Work on setting goals that are traceable, achievable, and realistic. This can help stress management immensely. Delegate work if you can. This tip may vary depending on a professional position or job description. But in most cases, stress often appears as a result of becoming overwhelmed. If possible, send out tasks to help carry whatever workload you may have in front of you. This can help a seemingly overwhelming workload become much more manageable. And it will seriously reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, according to Dr. Yepes. Avoid negative conversations, coworkers and situations. Realistically, there’s always going to be some negativity in the workplace. The problem arises when that negativity adversely affects your work performance. When negativity starts hurting work performance, it’s time to steer away from those environments. Try to avoid negative coworkers and conversations. Steering away from these issues can make a huge improvement in how you feel about work and stress. Seek out positive people and environments. In the same token as the negative, it’s important to find positive people and stand by them. Working with positive, like-minded professionals helps breed a considerably better environment, and consequently, a consistently positive work environment can do wonders on stress and stress management. Don’t be afraid to take breaks. Sometimes it seems like a negative to take a few minutes for yourself during a workday. But the truth is that avoiding breaks often has a worse impact on performance than the time away during a break. It’s important to take time for meals and ‘breathers’ throughout the day. Taking time to walk away from your desk can help mediate stress and allow you to better focus on work-related tasks. Try breathing exercises in particularly stressful times. Believe it or not, physical breathing techniques can bring a great amount of relief when it comes to stress. As Dr. Cesar Yepes discussed, the body physiologically reacts to stressful environments in a variety of ways. These include increased heartbeat and blood pressure. Breathing exercises can help the body calm down on a physical level. Slowing breathing will physically indicate to the body that an environment is less threatening. This, in turn, will help calm down emotional responses as well. Using these breathing techniques can make stressful environments much more manageable. Eat right and don’t skip meals. Another easy contributor to stress in the office also comes in the form of a biological responseto blood sugar. Some people allow stressful environments to interfere with their eating habits. They sometimes skip meals or make poor choices during the day, such as only eating snacks instead of proper meals. For one, skipping meals can cause huge spikes in your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can easily amplify stressful environments and interfere with work productivity. Additionally, unhealthy meals over a long period of time can adversely impact overall health and wellness. All of these factors can make an already stressful work environment even worse. Get a healthy amount of sleep. Finally, Dr. Yepes also recommends focusing on your sleep schedule to help reduce stress. Sleeplessness often results from feeling stressed at work. It’s easy to let the mind wander worrying about the workday, bosses, and other work-related issues. Recurrent problems with sleep can amplify the stress during the day and make it even worse. Adults should aim for at least seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. If necessary, a qualified physician can help prescribe sleep aids to enable this quality sleep to occur. Quality rest can directly reflect on an improved work performance and environment, and it can help diminish feelings of stress and anxiety as well. Individualizing Stress Management Stress is a very personal and extremely individualized concept for most people. As a result, it’s important for every individual to develop a stress management plan that works best for them. Understanding stress triggers is the first key to better managing it in your career, and medical professionals like Dr. Cesar Yepes can work with you to improve stress and anxiety – thereby improving your overall quality of life Quoted from

Sunday, September 28, 2014

iPhone 6 vs. iPhone , Which Hold More Resilient?

TechRax , a channel on YouTube which often test the resilience of the smartphone , this time to test how strong the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus when it fell to the asphalt . Not only are the two new smartphones , TechRax also test some older iPhone , such as iPhone 2G , 3G , 3GS , 4 , 4S , 5 , 5C , and 5S . Which is more resilient ? Of all the smartphones tested durability , only one model of iPhone which is able to resist collision asphalt . In fact , the screen is not cracked or broken at all - there is little scuff on the bezel . Smartphone that is not an iPhone 6 or iPhone 5 or even the iPhone 4 , but the iPhone 3GS . Introduced on June 8, 2009 , or about five years ago , the iPhone 3GS is a smartphone made by Apple's most resilient. But unfortunately , Apple stopped producing the iPhone 3GS in June 2012 . Even so , although the screen iPhone 2G , 3G , 4 , 4S , 5 , 5C , and severe cracking 5S - touch screen is still able to run and responsive - although it looks unsightly . For information , video demonstrations endurance test was performed by the tester gadget named Taras Maksimuk of TechRax . Previously he had tested the resilience of the iPhone with a hammer and boil the iPhone into the boiling water . source of

Friday, September 26, 2014


After I described in the last article about snoring sleep, now I will explain how to do GURAH to health. Because gurah method is also one of the methods to eliminate snoring sleep habits. Actually there are two ways of doing gurah, by gurah direct and indirect gurah / gurah capsules are sold in health stores. For this time I just explained gurah method directly.
Here's a step-by-step direct gurah: First of all the patients were asked to sleep on his back with his face looking up to the top. The practitioner asks you to relax while giving instructions regarding what you should do, including how to swallow potion gurah will put your nose. Gurah practitioners will read a prayer to God and dripping fluid sirgunggu root to your nostrils and then you are asked to swallow the liquid slowly, bit by bit. You are required to reverse the position to be sleeping on your stomach. Gurah practitioners will give some instructions, one of which is asking you to keep open eyes and mouth. A few moments later the dirty mucus resembles phlegm which is the source of some diseases will come out constantly from your body, either through the nose or mouth. Initially a little later into many, depending dirty mucus that is in your body. Your eyes will also continue to shed tears. To expedite discharge of mucus and tears, you will be massaged around the shoulders and back of the body. Massage is also intended to make you more relaxed. During digurah, you are required to wear mouth breathing due to clogged nasal guaranteed especially in the first 10-15 minutes because of the mucus that would met out of the body. Therefore, the mouth should always so open. So it is with the eye. The eyes should be kept open because it will remove a lot of tears. If the mucus is quite a lot, you are asked to encourage the ways exhale slowly through the nose. This will help the mucus out of the nose faster. If the nose is no longer remove the mucus and you can re-use nasal breathing, you are asked to sit down. The therapist will gives a glass of warm water to rinse his mouth you use to clean the mucus that may still remain in the throat. You are also asked to remove remaining mucus in the nose. All the above processes take place more or less in one hour. After all the above process is completed, you can feel that your breath now feel so relieved. For a few minutes up to several hours selanjutnva maybe you will feel a little dizzy. Take it easy, this a regular thing. The dizziness will disappear by itself over time. In fact, the authors have felt dizzy for about 4-5 hours after gurah. However, after being used for sleep, when I woke up it was gone dizziness. There are some people asking how it feels when digurah? Does it hurt? The answer is not as sick as imagined by some people. As an illustration, when you swim and your nose take in water, such that it would be like when you melaukan gurah. So is there any side effects? So far it has not found any adverse side effects gurah drops health because it is relatively safe. Effects that are commonly experienced ringing in the ears because it is too hard to encourage mucus, throat feels dry and a little sick with excitement mucus, and of course a little dizzy in a few minutes to a few hours as I have ever experienced writer. All of these effects will disappear. Actually, all these effects can be minimized by following the suggestions submitted therapist both before and while you do gurah. Although natural gurah (directly), otherwise do not have harmful long-term effects as well as chemical drugs so that you can do gurah repeatedly, still, there are some restrictions that must be considered. Abstinence for those who are undergoing detox with gurah method is to drink ice, eating fatty foods, eating spicy foods, and eat other foods and drinks that may cause infection or itching in the throat. This prohibition applies during the few days up to one week since you do gurah.