Friday, September 26, 2014


After I described in the last article about snoring sleep, now I will explain how to do GURAH to health. Because gurah method is also one of the methods to eliminate snoring sleep habits. Actually there are two ways of doing gurah, by gurah direct and indirect gurah / gurah capsules are sold in health stores. For this time I just explained gurah method directly.
Here's a step-by-step direct gurah: First of all the patients were asked to sleep on his back with his face looking up to the top. The practitioner asks you to relax while giving instructions regarding what you should do, including how to swallow potion gurah will put your nose. Gurah practitioners will read a prayer to God and dripping fluid sirgunggu root to your nostrils and then you are asked to swallow the liquid slowly, bit by bit. You are required to reverse the position to be sleeping on your stomach. Gurah practitioners will give some instructions, one of which is asking you to keep open eyes and mouth. A few moments later the dirty mucus resembles phlegm which is the source of some diseases will come out constantly from your body, either through the nose or mouth. Initially a little later into many, depending dirty mucus that is in your body. Your eyes will also continue to shed tears. To expedite discharge of mucus and tears, you will be massaged around the shoulders and back of the body. Massage is also intended to make you more relaxed. During digurah, you are required to wear mouth breathing due to clogged nasal guaranteed especially in the first 10-15 minutes because of the mucus that would met out of the body. Therefore, the mouth should always so open. So it is with the eye. The eyes should be kept open because it will remove a lot of tears. If the mucus is quite a lot, you are asked to encourage the ways exhale slowly through the nose. This will help the mucus out of the nose faster. If the nose is no longer remove the mucus and you can re-use nasal breathing, you are asked to sit down. The therapist will gives a glass of warm water to rinse his mouth you use to clean the mucus that may still remain in the throat. You are also asked to remove remaining mucus in the nose. All the above processes take place more or less in one hour. After all the above process is completed, you can feel that your breath now feel so relieved. For a few minutes up to several hours selanjutnva maybe you will feel a little dizzy. Take it easy, this a regular thing. The dizziness will disappear by itself over time. In fact, the authors have felt dizzy for about 4-5 hours after gurah. However, after being used for sleep, when I woke up it was gone dizziness. There are some people asking how it feels when digurah? Does it hurt? The answer is not as sick as imagined by some people. As an illustration, when you swim and your nose take in water, such that it would be like when you melaukan gurah. So is there any side effects? So far it has not found any adverse side effects gurah drops health because it is relatively safe. Effects that are commonly experienced ringing in the ears because it is too hard to encourage mucus, throat feels dry and a little sick with excitement mucus, and of course a little dizzy in a few minutes to a few hours as I have ever experienced writer. All of these effects will disappear. Actually, all these effects can be minimized by following the suggestions submitted therapist both before and while you do gurah. Although natural gurah (directly), otherwise do not have harmful long-term effects as well as chemical drugs so that you can do gurah repeatedly, still, there are some restrictions that must be considered. Abstinence for those who are undergoing detox with gurah method is to drink ice, eating fatty foods, eating spicy foods, and eat other foods and drinks that may cause infection or itching in the throat. This prohibition applies during the few days up to one week since you do gurah.

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