Thursday, September 25, 2014


HI.. all my friend how are you? certainly good and healthy ..well this time I will give you tips and info about the world of health, although the theme of this blog is about the world of workers but nothing wrong if I share thoughts on world health. You would often find someone to sleep with snoring? It is very annoying if you sleep beside people who sleep with snoring. I've got two ways to prevent the person does not snore anymore. Here's how to overcome that not sleeping snoring: Have the person is sleeping with oblique body position left / right. This method is quite simple and can not be permanent because the subconscious reflexes associated with the sleep. The person can sleep with all sorts unconsciously position. The next way is to do the cleaning mucus are expelled through the nostrils or better known in Indonesia by the name GURAH. This method is very effective and can launch breathing, is also good for the health of the lungs and can both eliminate bad breath. In addition gurah also can up their voice, is often performed by singers and qori (Qur'an book reader) to get a sonorous voice.   Thus I write this tip to share health info to friends may be useful. thank you and waiting for further info will discuss what it GURAH AND HOW TO DO IT.   Do not forget to give your comments here ... by

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