Thursday, September 18, 2014


The word ' cancer ' may sound scary for all of us . In fact , cancer can affect anyone and can damage body tissue . In fact, cancer cells can spread throughout the body . Treatment process was sometimes very painful . Here are the main cause of cancer . 1. Age Age can be a cause of human cancer . Older people , higher risk for developing cancer . In fact , 75 % of cancer cases are diagnosed in people aged over 60 years . Because the theory is , the older we are , the body will also lose the ability to prevent cancer itself . 2 Descendants Some cases are due to hereditary breast cancer . If there are people nearby such as a mother , aunt , sister , or grandmother have a history of breast cancer , then you should check yourself before it 's too late . 3 Tobacco Active smokers will say that people who do not smoke will be much more dangerous lung cancer due to inhale cigarette smoke . Actually , both are equally dangerous . Smoking can cause lung cancer , throat , mouth , and esophagus . And many passive smokers also die because of lung cancer were obtained from inhale cigarette smoke . 4. Carcinogens Carcinogens may include toxic chemicals such as benzene , formaldehyde , asbestos , and vinyl chloride . Make no mistake , all of these toxic chemicals found in many lives around us , such as wall paint . 5. Exposure to sunlight UV radiation also causes cancer . If you do not use protection or sun protection creams , many people who end up getting skin cancer . source of

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