Thursday, September 11, 2014


The world is now in instant hit with the emergence of a group calling itself the ISIS. The group was formed in 2003 and is the founder of al baghdad fuel ash. Although the new age but hardliners power has been almost menyamaai power empire english. This group is combined with syria iraq fighters, and the emergence of the biggest in syria. Appearance is so fast and quick like a virus to fret countries not Islamic-majority. That's because they have a full arsenal of modern and fairly well. Here are the types of weapons they use: 1 Tank series 55 and 72 made ​​the Soviet Union 2.-made Humvees seized the United States when they invaded Mosul 3 AK 47 and M79 rocket launchers Osa 4 MIG fighter jet that they stripped from the armory in taqaba. Actually there are many more weapons at their disposal war and we can not know. Thus I created this post just to share knowledge. I'll see you in the next article which is certainly more useful and interesting which I will ... do not forget to go to continue "" ". thank you and peace always ....

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