Sunday, September 28, 2014

iPhone 6 vs. iPhone , Which Hold More Resilient?

TechRax , a channel on YouTube which often test the resilience of the smartphone , this time to test how strong the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus when it fell to the asphalt . Not only are the two new smartphones , TechRax also test some older iPhone , such as iPhone 2G , 3G , 3GS , 4 , 4S , 5 , 5C , and 5S . Which is more resilient ? Of all the smartphones tested durability , only one model of iPhone which is able to resist collision asphalt . In fact , the screen is not cracked or broken at all - there is little scuff on the bezel . Smartphone that is not an iPhone 6 or iPhone 5 or even the iPhone 4 , but the iPhone 3GS . Introduced on June 8, 2009 , or about five years ago , the iPhone 3GS is a smartphone made by Apple's most resilient. But unfortunately , Apple stopped producing the iPhone 3GS in June 2012 . Even so , although the screen iPhone 2G , 3G , 4 , 4S , 5 , 5C , and severe cracking 5S - touch screen is still able to run and responsive - although it looks unsightly . For information , video demonstrations endurance test was performed by the tester gadget named Taras Maksimuk of TechRax . Previously he had tested the resilience of the iPhone with a hammer and boil the iPhone into the boiling water . source of

Friday, September 26, 2014


After I described in the last article about snoring sleep, now I will explain how to do GURAH to health. Because gurah method is also one of the methods to eliminate snoring sleep habits. Actually there are two ways of doing gurah, by gurah direct and indirect gurah / gurah capsules are sold in health stores. For this time I just explained gurah method directly.
Here's a step-by-step direct gurah: First of all the patients were asked to sleep on his back with his face looking up to the top. The practitioner asks you to relax while giving instructions regarding what you should do, including how to swallow potion gurah will put your nose. Gurah practitioners will read a prayer to God and dripping fluid sirgunggu root to your nostrils and then you are asked to swallow the liquid slowly, bit by bit. You are required to reverse the position to be sleeping on your stomach. Gurah practitioners will give some instructions, one of which is asking you to keep open eyes and mouth. A few moments later the dirty mucus resembles phlegm which is the source of some diseases will come out constantly from your body, either through the nose or mouth. Initially a little later into many, depending dirty mucus that is in your body. Your eyes will also continue to shed tears. To expedite discharge of mucus and tears, you will be massaged around the shoulders and back of the body. Massage is also intended to make you more relaxed. During digurah, you are required to wear mouth breathing due to clogged nasal guaranteed especially in the first 10-15 minutes because of the mucus that would met out of the body. Therefore, the mouth should always so open. So it is with the eye. The eyes should be kept open because it will remove a lot of tears. If the mucus is quite a lot, you are asked to encourage the ways exhale slowly through the nose. This will help the mucus out of the nose faster. If the nose is no longer remove the mucus and you can re-use nasal breathing, you are asked to sit down. The therapist will gives a glass of warm water to rinse his mouth you use to clean the mucus that may still remain in the throat. You are also asked to remove remaining mucus in the nose. All the above processes take place more or less in one hour. After all the above process is completed, you can feel that your breath now feel so relieved. For a few minutes up to several hours selanjutnva maybe you will feel a little dizzy. Take it easy, this a regular thing. The dizziness will disappear by itself over time. In fact, the authors have felt dizzy for about 4-5 hours after gurah. However, after being used for sleep, when I woke up it was gone dizziness. There are some people asking how it feels when digurah? Does it hurt? The answer is not as sick as imagined by some people. As an illustration, when you swim and your nose take in water, such that it would be like when you melaukan gurah. So is there any side effects? So far it has not found any adverse side effects gurah drops health because it is relatively safe. Effects that are commonly experienced ringing in the ears because it is too hard to encourage mucus, throat feels dry and a little sick with excitement mucus, and of course a little dizzy in a few minutes to a few hours as I have ever experienced writer. All of these effects will disappear. Actually, all these effects can be minimized by following the suggestions submitted therapist both before and while you do gurah. Although natural gurah (directly), otherwise do not have harmful long-term effects as well as chemical drugs so that you can do gurah repeatedly, still, there are some restrictions that must be considered. Abstinence for those who are undergoing detox with gurah method is to drink ice, eating fatty foods, eating spicy foods, and eat other foods and drinks that may cause infection or itching in the throat. This prohibition applies during the few days up to one week since you do gurah.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


HI.. all my friend how are you? certainly good and healthy ..well this time I will give you tips and info about the world of health, although the theme of this blog is about the world of workers but nothing wrong if I share thoughts on world health. You would often find someone to sleep with snoring? It is very annoying if you sleep beside people who sleep with snoring. I've got two ways to prevent the person does not snore anymore. Here's how to overcome that not sleeping snoring: Have the person is sleeping with oblique body position left / right. This method is quite simple and can not be permanent because the subconscious reflexes associated with the sleep. The person can sleep with all sorts unconsciously position. The next way is to do the cleaning mucus are expelled through the nostrils or better known in Indonesia by the name GURAH. This method is very effective and can launch breathing, is also good for the health of the lungs and can both eliminate bad breath. In addition gurah also can up their voice, is often performed by singers and qori (Qur'an book reader) to get a sonorous voice.   Thus I write this tip to share health info to friends may be useful. thank you and waiting for further info will discuss what it GURAH AND HOW TO DO IT.   Do not forget to give your comments here ... by


seedtoshirt: Clarksdale, Mississippi - Bowen Flowers (the tall one) has 4000 acres of cotton. He gives a tour to reporter Robert Smith minutes before the harvest begins. Genetic engineering has created cotton plants that yield more than ever before while keeping away pests and weeds. Bowen says the goal is always to harvest more cotton with fewer human hands. (@radiosmith@jessjnpr/NPR)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hard work and discipline are often cited as a key success factor . Make no mistake , there are a number of simple activities that also play an important role helping many people achieve great success in the future . You bedtime habits could even be a determinant of personal success . Here are five habits of the super successful before bed : READING A BOOKS: Bill Gates is a billionaire who is addicted to reading the book . Every night before bed , he always took the time for an hour to read a book with a variety of topics ranging from politics to events . In addition in order to increase knowledge , reading can also reduce stress and improve the ability to remember . Essex University study found , read six minutes per day can reduce stress levels by 68 percent . Reading books at night also can improve your brain health in the long times. TURN OFF ALL GADGETS: Every night before bed , Arianna Huffington always putting a cell phone ( mobile phone ) her in another room . It was so sleep was not disturbed . Research Charles Czeisler of Harvard University show rhythm sleep disorder in a person who reflected on the phone's screen . It can make the body feel tired even when being need rest . STREETS: Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne always took a short walk before bed . He was a walk to relieve his mind of work . Slowly , simple activities that can help remove fatigue and stress after a long day of busy career . In addition , a study also proves , running can improve your creativity . MEDITATION: There is a certain amount of time in which a few super successful people like Oprah Winfrey feels very depressed with all of his work . Stillness meditation sessions can provide that help you release all the fatigue after work . Meditation has also been proven to reduce stress , excessive anxiety , and depression . So please try to do meditation before bed . DEVELOPE PLANS TOMORROW: CEO Kenneth Chenault of American Express always trying to manage time and activities well . So he put an end to the whole busy in the office by making agenda . Before going to bed , write down three things he wanted to do next morning . The researchers say , the habit to set the agenda of activities can help people build a career in the long term . Sources of

Saturday, September 20, 2014


The increasing cases of oropharyngeal cancer in the past two decades , was influenced by changes in the sexual behavior of society , especially oral sex . The statement came in a conference held American Association for Cancer Research , which deals with the transmission of human papillomavirus ( HPV ) in head and neck cancer cases . The incidence of HPV infection causes oropharyngeal cancer , which includes tumors in the throat , tonsils , and tongue surface , rising very dramatically . In fact , studies of oropharyngeal tumor tissue in 20 of last year showed only 20 percent of HPV infections . " It's a real trend . Having said that , the fact that the incidence of cancer increases orophrayngeal should be a concern , " said Scott Lippman , MD, of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center . If the first smoking and alcohol blamed as the main culprit causing oral cancer , now the most common cause switching to HPV infection . The American Cancer Society states that based on diagnosis , more than half of cases of oropharyngeal cancer caused by the HPV virus . " Changes in sexual behavior in the last 20 years, especially oral sex , helps to improve the incidence of cancer , " said Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley ACS . Evidence also showed that oral HPV infection also increases the risk factors for esophageal cancer ( throat ) , said Brawley . Based on that , according to Lippman , now targets doctors to disseminate information about oropharyngeal cancer is no longer a parent and a smoker , but young people , employees , as well as teens who do not understand that a healthy sex . The experts also agreed that oral sex is not safe sex !

Thursday, September 18, 2014


The word ' cancer ' may sound scary for all of us . In fact , cancer can affect anyone and can damage body tissue . In fact, cancer cells can spread throughout the body . Treatment process was sometimes very painful . Here are the main cause of cancer . 1. Age Age can be a cause of human cancer . Older people , higher risk for developing cancer . In fact , 75 % of cancer cases are diagnosed in people aged over 60 years . Because the theory is , the older we are , the body will also lose the ability to prevent cancer itself . 2 Descendants Some cases are due to hereditary breast cancer . If there are people nearby such as a mother , aunt , sister , or grandmother have a history of breast cancer , then you should check yourself before it 's too late . 3 Tobacco Active smokers will say that people who do not smoke will be much more dangerous lung cancer due to inhale cigarette smoke . Actually , both are equally dangerous . Smoking can cause lung cancer , throat , mouth , and esophagus . And many passive smokers also die because of lung cancer were obtained from inhale cigarette smoke . 4. Carcinogens Carcinogens may include toxic chemicals such as benzene , formaldehyde , asbestos , and vinyl chloride . Make no mistake , all of these toxic chemicals found in many lives around us , such as wall paint . 5. Exposure to sunlight UV radiation also causes cancer . If you do not use protection or sun protection creams , many people who end up getting skin cancer . source of

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Ali dying when troops launched an offensive in the region Kurdish Peshmerga . Attacks by the Kurdish forces backed by fighter jets the United States . Details on the death of a man who also has a pseudonym Abu Abdullah was first confirmed by the National Security Agency Kurds . Thus was launched from Trendz , Wednesday ( 09/17/2014 ) . Death of Ali is a great achievement for the combined forces of the Kurds , the United States and Iraq . Because the man who was born in 1974 is the brain of ISIS in Mosul who was also one of the important cities in Iraq . Ali 's career in the world known terror began when he entered the group Tawhid wal - Jihad . Had being held in Abu Ghraib prison , Ali managed to escape and join the ISIS .

Sunday, September 14, 2014


HELLO DEAR... meet again in world of work of my blog.Now i will learning about dangers effect laser welding. LASER WELDING CONCERNS: 1. Eye : Acute exposure of the eye to lasers of certain wavelengths and power can cause corneal or retinal burns (or both). Chronic exposure to excessive levels may cause corneal or lenticular opacities (cataracts) or retinal injury. 2. Skin : Acute exposure to high levels of optical radiation may cause skin burns; while cancer may occur for ultraviolet wavelengths (290-320 nm). 3. Chemical : Some lasers require hazardous or toxic substances to operate (i.e., chemical dye, Excimer lasers). 4. Electrical : Most lasers utilize high voltages that can be lethal. 5. Fire : The solvents used in dye lasers are flammable. High voltage pulse or flash lamps may cause ignition. Flammable materials may be ignited by direct beams or specular reflections from high power continuous wave (CW) infrared lasers. * What are the effects of laser energy on the eye? * Laser light in the visible to near infrared spectrum (i.e., 400 - 1400 nm) can cause damage to the retina resulting in scotoma (blind spot in the fovea). This wave band is also know as the "retinal hazard region". * Laser light in the ultraviolet (290 - 400 nm) or far infrared (1400 - 10,600 nm) spectrum can cause damage to the cornea and/or to the lens. * retinal damage may be associated with an audible "pop" at the time of exposure. Visual disorientation due to retinal damage may not be apparent to the operator until considerable thermal damage has occurred. Skin Hazards * Exposure of the skin to high power laser beams (1 or more watts) can cause burns. At the under five watt level, the heat from the laser beam will cause a flinch reaction before any serious damage occurs. The sensation is similar to touching any hot object, you tend to pull your hand away or drop it before any major damage occurs.* With higher power lasers, a burn can occur even though the flinch reaction may rapidly pull the affected skin out of the beam. These burns can be quite painful as the affected skin can be cooked, and forms a hard lesion that takes considerable time to heal.* Ultraviolet laser wavelengths may also lead to skin cancer. Lasers operate in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared. High power lasers can cause skin burns. Lasers can cause severe eye injuriesresulting in permanent vision loss.Studies of laser accidents have shown that there are usually several contributing factors. The following are common causes of laser injuries: • Inadequate training of laser personnel• Alignment performed without adequate procedures• Failure to block beams or stray reflections• Failure to wear eye protection in hazardous situations• Failure to follow approved standard operating procedures or safe work practices

Saturday, September 13, 2014


After getting Cesc Fabregas from Barcelona in the transfer market this summer , Chelsea eyeing one of the assets belonging to the Catalan club . However , this time they are not targeting the main players of the squad Blaugrana , but a magical boy named Xavier Simons who was studying at La Masia . This 11-year -old boy is predicted to be a star in the future once famed for ability in the field . A number of reports are in Spain claim that the Blues willing bid to bring the Dutch midfielder to London .

Thursday, September 11, 2014


This is the woman who seeks to destroy the myth will be one of the ocean 's most feared predators. She swim unprotected with great white sharks Ramsey ocean swim around the world with many species of sharks and hope that they do not like the myth in the movie " Jaws " . In stunning photographs of Juan Oliphant , the recorded scene when White Shark 5.1 meters along Ocean Ramsey followed him to let down the sea . Ocean shark conservation expert who is also a dive instructor and a model with a group of fish swimming in the waters of Baja , Mexico , last year . Meeting with the largest species of the mark that the Ocean 27-year -old has been swimming with 32 different species . Ocean acknowledge that there are risks when humans adjacent to the shark but it happens when the predator mistook humans as prey .


The world is now in instant hit with the emergence of a group calling itself the ISIS. The group was formed in 2003 and is the founder of al baghdad fuel ash. Although the new age but hardliners power has been almost menyamaai power empire english. This group is combined with syria iraq fighters, and the emergence of the biggest in syria. Appearance is so fast and quick like a virus to fret countries not Islamic-majority. That's because they have a full arsenal of modern and fairly well. Here are the types of weapons they use: 1 Tank series 55 and 72 made ​​the Soviet Union 2.-made Humvees seized the United States when they invaded Mosul 3 AK 47 and M79 rocket launchers Osa 4 MIG fighter jet that they stripped from the armory in taqaba. Actually there are many more weapons at their disposal war and we can not know. Thus I created this post just to share knowledge. I'll see you in the next article which is certainly more useful and interesting which I will ... do not forget to go to continue "" ". thank you and peace always ....

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


TIPS to Choose the Woman’s Handbag In choosing a women bag, there must not be always easy. Women have their own consideration and it can be shape, color, price, and even shop or the place that they can buy. Below are some tips that I choose as the reference which might help those who feel confuse to choose a handbag. Shape. Watch your need to pick the right handbag. It does not much different as you do when you choose sweater in a cold weather rather than choose pajamas. So, when you emphasize the handbag for going to work, don’t choose the bag that equal to wedding party handbag. Color. Every handbag usually has more than more color. Women look more interesting about the black handbag because it seems to be more glamorous and luxurious. The black color makes the user become easy in combining with their dress. But it cannot close the possibility that the other colors will make the beauty and the luxurious of the handbag also emitted. Price. The bag with a high price is usually has the higher quality. But, that perception will not always be right. You need to analyze the bag well and do not hang the quality just based on the price. There must be many high quality handbags which come with a low price. Shop. Nowadays, online shop has got a higher popularity rather than offline shop. It able to understand because picking a handbag in online shop is always be easier than offline shop. But you need to ensure the quality when go shopping there. Every of us know that the product in online shop will only be seen from its color and its shape. While, we cannot touch it so the quality of its material still be mysterious. So, be careful. Hopefully, all those tips are able to help you in picking the right handbag.

Monday, September 8, 2014


SMALL OPERATIONS>> Woman panning for gold in Guinea While most of the gold is produced by major corporations, tens of thousands of people work independently in smaller, artisan operations, in some cases illegally. In Ghana, for instance, the galamseys are estimated to number 20,000 to 50,000.[10] In neighboring francophone countries, such workers are called orpailleurs. In Brazil, such workers are called garimpeiros. The high risk of such ventures was seen in the collapse of an illegal mine at Dompoase, Ashanti Region, Ghana, on 12 November 2009, when 18 workers were killed, including 13 women. Many women work at such mines as porters. It was the worst mining disaster in Ghanaian history.[10] In order to maximize gold extraction, mercury is often used to amalgamate with the metal. The gold is produced by boiling away the mercury from the amalgam, a hazardous process due to toxicity of mercury vapour. Mercury is effective in extracting very small gold particles, but should be reclaimed, instead, in an effective and safe process. by ahmed riyadi

Sunday, September 7, 2014


DID YOU KNOW why planes can fly into the air , that they are due to the lifting force generated from several areas of the wheel that is on the plane . The steering field are : AILERON which serves to maneuver , FLAPS to increase lift , the two fields are located in the wings.ELEVATORS function for steering the rising and falling aircraft , located in the tail wing . RUDDER for steering the direction of the plane. The fourth field is a very important role in the process of taking off aircraft fly >>> >>>> landing . article by ahmed riyadi


Here is a list of the many advantages hybrid cars offers. 1. Pollution is less promoted It is a fact that the continuous damage to our ozone layer is due to the greenhouse effect, and one of the factor that contributes to its damage is pollution in the air, in which dangerous chemicals are transferred to the AIR, like carbon dioxide that are emitted by vehicles. The measure of carbon dioxide emitted by the hybrid vehicle is principally relative to the quantity of fuel it consumes; thus hybrid cars can absolutely be a contributing factor in lessening the advancement of GLOBAL WARMING. With the use of "HYBRID CARS TECHNOLOGY", fewer fuel is consumed because hybrid car do not totally use gas in order to operate, it also makes use of electricity, a power source that doesn't bring any danger to the environment. 2. More mileage with less fuel consumption The obvious advantage of hybrid car is that it saves on gas. With the use of hybrid cars, you are able to save gas money because you don’t need to buy gas after every long trip wherein you can go several miles consuming less fuel. 3. Hybrid cars can help lower your taxes Tax rebates are given to hybrid cars buyers, so if you buy a hybrid car your tax refunds can be withheld from your taxes and will provide you with additional savings. 4. Efficiency and performance are what defines Hybrid Cars Hybrid cars have smaller engines than the regular gasoline cars since the power is obtained form two sources, so the smaller engines are closer to the normal power necessity of engines that will give an efficient performance. 5. “Hybrid car technology” is the greatest solution to today’s increasing problem in car air pollution. Hybrid cars uses lesser fuel and a groundbreaking technology that may avoid possible damages to the environment caused by the usual cars Despite of many uses and advantages, there is one thing to be considered regarding the hybrid cars, its actual price in the market is not yet that affordable to a lot of people, but it is an investment that will pay a hundred fold.


Merekam Lagu ciptaan di Rumah sendiri dengan teknologi komputer Komputer modern tidak lagi hanya sebagai alat hitung, sepeti yang semula hanya dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan orang yang perkerjaannya melakukan perhitungan aritmatika, dengan atau tanpa alat bantu, tetapi arti kata ini kemudian dipindahkan kepada mesin itu sendiri. Asal mulanya, pengolahan informasi hampir eksklusif berhubungan dengan masalah aritmatika, tetapi komputer modern dipakai untuk banyak tugas yang tidak berhubungan dengan matematika. Contoh berikut ini adalah manfaat komputer dalam bidang industri mu Hardware dan software yang saya gunakan adalah sebagai berikut : Soundcard Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value 7.1 sebagai konverter AD/DA Kabel instrumen merk Planet Waves Gitar Electric merk Prince dengan pick up bawaannya Bass Electric merk Prince dengan pick up bawaannya Software FL Studio 9 digunakan sebagai drum virtual. Software Steinberg Nuendo 3 sebagai DAW. IK Multimedia Amplitube 3 sebagai processor effek virtual. Driver Asio4all v2.10, digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi masalah latency atau delay pada saat rekaman. Asio4all dapat didownload di website reminya Pasanglah souncard pada port PCI di komputer anda lalu instal driver bawaannya dalam CD yang disertakan. Kemudian instal Nuendo, FL Studio, Amplitube, dan driver Asio4all pada komputer anda. Setelah selesai, buka volume control sound blaster audigy anda : Pastikan bahwa Line In sebagai source yang akan digunakan untuk merekam instrumen musik, dan bila ingin merekam track vocal maka gunakan Microphone. Hal ini dikarenakan akan timbul noise yang cukup bising jika menggunakan Microphone sebagai source untuk merekam instrumen musik, apalagi jika sudah menggunakan distorsi dari Amplitube 3. Setelah selesai pengaturan di atas, sekarang buka program Nuendo 3 pilih Devices kemudian Devices Setup. Pada VST Audiobay, pilih ASIO4ALL v2. Kemudian pada ASIO4ALL v2 klik control panel untuk menentukan buffer size dan sample rates. Geser Buffer Size menjadi 256 samples Setelah itu klik exit pada Asio4All dan klik OK pada Device Setup. Buka VST Connections dengan menekan tombol F4. Ini untuk mengatur setting input dan output dari souncard anda, karena tanpa setting yang benar, bisa saja anda tidak dapat merekam data audio. Di bagian input, kita bisa menentukan input souncard mana yang aktif. Secara default telah tersedia input stereo dari soundcard anda. Kita dapat menambahkan input bus baru dengan mengklik tombol add bus. Kita dapat menyimpannya sebagai preset yang dapat diloading apabila setting ini berubah. Demikian setting pada nuendo, selanjutnya kita tinggal membuka FL Studio 9 untuk membuat/merekam drum secara virtual. Pilih options kemudian audio setting seperti gambar dibawah ini. Pilih driver Asio4all, biarkan buffer size pada posisi defaultnya yaitu 512 samples. Setelah itu keluar dari jendela setting dan mulailah berkreasi mengaransmen drum di FL Studio 9. Disini saya anggap anda sudah mengerti tentang cara pembuatan/perekaman instrumen drum virtual di FL Studio. Setelah selesai membuat instrumen drum, lalu eksport hasil kreasi anda ke dalam bentuk wave (.wav) dengan menekan tombol Ctrl+R untuk nantinya di import ke dalam nuendo. Selanjutnya buka kembali nuendo 3 pada komputer anda, pilih File > New Project > OK atau tekan tombol Ctrl+N > OK. Tentukan folder untuk menyimpan hasil rekaman kita kemudian klik OK. Pilih menu Project > Add track > Audio kemudian tampil jendela seperti berikut : Kemudian klik OK dan hasilnya seperti berikut : Import data drum yang tadi dibuat di FL Studio dengan cara klik File > Import > Audio File, cari file nya dan klik OK. Kemudian tambah lagi track untuk merekam bass dengan cara Pilih menu Project > Add track > Audio. Sekarang track audio sudah bertambah menjadi dua dengan Audio 02. Aktifkan Record Enable dan Monitor pada Audio 02, Ambil gitar bass dan masukkan kabelnya ke Line In SB Audigy anda. Untuk menambah cool suara bass pilih Inserts > klik pada kolom 1 dan pilih Amplitube 3. Tentukan jenis Amplifier, efek, Head Cabinet dll.sesuai selera anda. Setelah suara yang diinginkan ketemu, mulailah merekam dengan mengaktifkan tombol Record. Untuk merekam gitar dan alat musik lainnya, lakukan langkah-langkah seperti tadi. Demikian artikel ini semoga bermanfaat bagi anda. by ahmedriyadi

Saturday, September 6, 2014


UNDERWATER WELDING WORK is very need to this time. To can doing it, we must have following training underwater work and diving. This is not easy because we must have basic welding before.


Welding Defects 1. Introduction Common weld defects include: i. Lack of fusion ii. Lack of penetration or excess penetration iii. Porosity iv. Inclusions v. Cracking vi. Undercut vii. Lamellar tearing Any of these defects are potentially disastorous as they can all give rise to high stress intensities which may result in sudden unexpected failure below the design load or in the case of cyclic loading, failure after fewer load cycles than predicted. 2. Types of Defects i and ii. - To achieve a good quality join it is essential that the fusion zone extends the full thickness of the sheets being joined. Thin sheet material can be joined with a single pass and a clean square edge will be a satisfactory basis for a join. However thicker material will normally need edges cut at a V angle and may need several passes to fill the V with weld metal. Where both sides are accessible one or more passes may be made along the reverse side to ensure the joint extends the full thickness of the metal. Lack of fusion results from too little heat input and / or too rapid traverse of the welding torch (gas or electric). Excess penetration arises from to high a heat input and / or too slow transverse of the welding torch (gas or electric). Excess penetration - burning through - is more of a problem with thin sheet as a higher level of skill is needed to balance heat input and torch traverse when welding thin metal. ii. Porosity - This occurs when gases are trapped in the solidifying weld metal. These may arise from damp consumables or metal or, from dirt, particularly oil or grease, on the metal in the vicinity of the weld. This can be avoided by ensuring all consumables are stored in dry conditions and work is carefully cleaned and degreased prior to welding. iv. Inclusions - These can occur when several runs are made along a V join when joining thick plate using flux cored or flux coated rods and the slag covering a run is not totally removed after every run before the following run. v. Cracking - This can occur due just to thermal shrinkage or due to a combination of strain accompanying phase change and thermal shrinkage. In the case of welded stiff frames, a combination of poor design and inappropriate procedure may result in high residual stresses and cracking. Where alloy steels or steels with a carbon content greater than about 0.2% are being welded, self cooling may be rapid enough to cause some (brittle) martensite to form. This will easily develop cracks. To prevent these problems a process of pre-heating in stages may be needed and after welding a slow controlled post cooling in stages will be required. This can greatly increase the cost of welded joins, but for high strength steels, such as those used in petrochemical plant and piping, there may well be no alternative. Solidification Cracking This is also called centreline or hot cracking. They are called hot cracks because they occur immediately after welds are completed and sometimes while the welds are being made. These defects, which are often caused by sulphur and phosphorus, are more likely to occur in higher carbon steels. Solidification cracks are normally distinguishable from other types of cracks by the following features: they occur only in the weld metal - although the parent metal is almost always the source of the low melting point contaminants associated with the cracking they normally appear in straight lines along the centreline of the weld bead, but may occasionally appear as transverse cracking solidification cracks in the final crater may have a branching appearance as the cracks are 'open' they are visible to the naked eye A schematic diagram of a centreline crack is shown below: On breaking open the weld the crack surface may have a blue appearance, showing the cracks formed while the metal was still hot. The cracks form at the solidification boundaries and are characteristically inter dendritic. There may be evidence of segregation associated with the solidification boundary. The main cause of solidification cracking is that the weld bead in the final stage of solidification has insufficient strength to withstand the contraction stresses generated as the weld pool solidifies. Factors which increase the risk include: insufficient weld bead size or inappropriate shape welding under excessive restraint material properties - such as a high impurity content or a relatively large shrinkage on solidification Joint design can have an influence on the level of residual stresses. Large gaps between conponents will increase the strain on the solidifying weld metal, especially if the depth of penetration is small. Hence weld beads with a small depth to width ratio, such as is formed when bridging a large wide gap with a thin bead, will be more susceptible to solidification cracking. In steels, cracking is associated with impurities, particularly sulphur and phosphorus and is promoted by carbon, whereas manganese and sulphur can help to reduce the risk. To minimise the risk of cracking, fillers with low carbon and impurity levels and a relatively high manganese content are preferred. As a general rule, for carbon manganese steels, the total sulphur and phosphorus content should be no greater than 0.06%. However when welding a highly restrained joint using high strength steels, a combined level below 0.03% might be needed. Weld metal composition is dominated by the filler and as this is usually cleaner than the metal being welded, cracking is less likely with low dilution processes such as MMA and MIG. Parent metal composition becomes more important with autogenous welding techniques, such as TIG with no filler. Avoiding Solidification Cracking Apart from choice of material and filler, the main techniques for avoiding solidification cracking are: control the joint fit up to reduce the gaps clean off all contaminants before welding ensure that the welding sequence will not lead to a buildup of thermally induced stresses choose welding parameters to produce a weld bead with adequate depth to width ratio or with sufficient throat thickness (fillet weld) to ensure the bead has sufficient resistance to solidificatiuon stresses. Recommended minimum depth to width ratio is 0.5:1 avoid producing too large a depth to width ratio which will encourage segregation and excessive transverse strains. As a rule, weld beads with a depth to width ratio exceeds 2:1 will be prone to solidification cracking avoid high welding speeds (at high current levels) which increase segregation and stress levels accross the weld bead at the run stop, ensure adequate filling of the crater to avoid an unfavourable concave shape Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) - also referred to as hydrogen cracking or hydrogen assisted cracking, can occur in steels during manufacture, during fabrication or during service. When HIC occurs as a result of welding, the cracks are in the heat affected zone (HAZ) or in the weld metal itself. Four requirements for HIC to occur are: a) Hydrogen be present, this may come from moisture in any flux or from other sources. It is absorbed by the weld pool and diffuses int o the HAZ. b) A HAZ microstructure susceptible to hydrogen cracking. c) Tensile stresses act on the weld d) The assembly has cooled to close to ambient - less than 150oC HIC in the HAZ is often at the weld toe, but can be under the weld bead or at the weld root. In fillet welds cracks are normally parallel to the weld run but in butt welds cracks can be transverse to the welding direction. vi Undercutting - In this case the thickness of one (or both) of the sheets is reduced at the toe of the weld. This is due to incorrect settings / procedure. There is already a stress concentration at the toe of the weld and any undercut will reduce the strength of the join. vii Lamellar tearing - This is mainly a problem with low quality steels. It occurs in plate that has a low ductility in the through thickness direction, which is caused by non metallic inclusions, such as suphides and oxides that have been elongated during the rolling process. These inclusions mean that the plate can not tolerate the contraction stresses in the short transverse direction. Lamellar tearing can occur in both fillet and butt welds, but the most vulnerable joints are 'T' and corner joints, where the fusion boundary is parallel to the rolling plane. These problem can be overcome by using better quality steel, 'buttering' the weld area with a ductile material and possibly by redesigning the joint. 3. Detection Visual Inspection Prior to any welding, the materials should be visually inspected to see that they are clean, aligned correctly, machine settings, filler selection checked, etc. As a first stage of inspection of all completed welds, visual inspected under good lighting should be carried out. A magnifying glass and straight edge may be used as a part of this process. Undercutting can be detected with the naked eye and (provided there is access to the reverse side) excess penetration can often be visually detected. Liquid Penetrant Inspection Serious cases of surface cracking can be detected by the naked eye but for most cases some type of aid is needed and the use of dye penetrant methods are quite efficient when used by a trained operator. This procedure is as follows: Clean the surface of the weld and the weld vicinity Spray the surface with a liquid dye that has good penetrating properties Carefully wipe all the die off the surface Spray the surface with a white powder Any cracks will have trapped some die which will weep out and discolour the white coating and be clearly visible X - Ray Inspection Sub-surface cracks and inclusions can be detected 'X' ray examination. This is expensive, but for safety critical joints - eg in submarines and nuclear power plants - 100% 'X' ray examination of welded joints will normally be carried out. Ultrasonic Inspection Surface and sub-surface defects can also be detected by ultrasonic inspection. This involves directing a high frequency sound beam through the base metal and weld on a predictable path. When the beam strikes a discontinuity some of it is reflected beck. This reflected beam is received and amplified and processed and from the time delay, the location of a flaw estimated. Porosity, however, in the form of numerous gas bubbles causes a lot of low amplitude reflections which are difficult to separate from the background noise. Results from any ultrasonic inspection require skilled interpretation. Magnetic Particle Inspection This process can be used to detect surface and slightly sub-surface cracks in ferro-magnetic materials (it can not therefore be used with austenitic stainless steels). The process involves placing a probe on each side of the area to be inspected and passing a high current between them. This produces a magnetic flux at right angles to the flow of the current. When these lines of force meet a discontinuity, such as a longitudinal crack, they are diverted and leak through the surface, creating magnetic poles or points of attraction. A magnetic powder dusted onto the surface will cling to the leakage area more than elsewhere, indicating the location of any discontinuities. This process may be carried out wet or dry, the wet process is more sensitive as finer particles may be used which can detect very small defects. Fluorescent powders can also be used to enhance sensitivity when used in conjunction with ultra violet illumination. 4. Repair Any detected cracks must be ground out and the area re-welded to give the required profile and then the joint must be inspected again. Return to module home page


LABOR PROBLEMS Labor problems as viewed in Philippine social realities reveal a chain of causes and effects that are inextricably linked by economic, political and cultural factors. Only a comprehensive analysis of these problems can equip workers with the tools for mastering them. Thus the need to understand the structural, historical, and moral dimensions of labor problems. WHAT ARE THE COMMON PROBLEMS CONFRONTED BY WORKERS AT THEIR PLACE OF WORK? Low Wages In 1889, the Filipinos organized the first labor union to assert the right of workers to a just living wage. Today, after less than a century of struggle, social conditions remain unchecked. The wage rate in the Philippines is way behind those in other countries; in the United States, wage rate is seventeen times more than the wage rate in the Philippines; in developed countries, ten times more; and in les developed countries, four times more. It is not surprising to learn, therefore, of a survey conducted by the Union Bank of Switzerland placing the Filipino workers’ wage second to the lowest in the world. Poor Working Conditions Forced to suffer under poor working conditions in exchange for unemployment and eventual starvation, Filipino workers have long been deprived of the right to life and duty to work. Inadequate physical facilities and occupational safety measures exposure to hazardous chemicals, unreasonable work schedule, unjust compensation, inadequate leave benefits, limited, if not absence of opportunity for personal and professional growth, and unstable employment status – these are but a few of the unjust working conditions that burden Filipino workers. Inhumane Treatment Directly related to poor working conditions are oppressive practices inflicted on workers by employers who look down on labor as mere material instruments of capital accumulation. Inhumane practices of employers include failure to implement wages and compensations as prescribed by law, sexual harassments, physical abuses, illegal dismissals, and other problems emanating from poor working conditions. Absence of Job Security E:\New Raw Materials for the FFW Website\Resources\BCTUmodules\LABOR PROBLEMS.doc 1/9For BCTU Two conditions underscore the absence of job security in the Philippine work force. First is the escalating number of unemployed workers who command cheap wages for limited and small number of employment opportunities. Second is the advent of automation that displaced and replaced many workers because employers choose speed and accuracy in production rather than the creative efforts that shall flourish once labor is relieved from the drudgeries of work. Underemployment It is unfortunate to note that the government is unable to tap the ingenuity, craftsmanship, intellectual prowess, and industry of the Philippine labor force as vehicle of national development and economic recovery. NEDA statistics in 1987 showed underemployment population of 6.8 M workers representing 30.1% of the total labor force. Thousands of workers take fobs that neither utilize nor enhance their skills and academic training. College degree holders performing functions that used to be reserved for janitors, clerks, messengers, drivers, even domestic helpers are not an uncommon sight nowadays. Unorganized Labor Force The organized sector of the Philippine labor force is still a minority. Although the number of unionized workers is rising, it has not gone beyond 13% of the 22.6 M actual labor force. As a result, the trade union movement is still weak, with a fluctuating and unstable membership covering only a small percentage of the workforce. Discrimination Discrimination with respect to sex, age, beliefs, and race still exist in the areas of hiring, promotion, and compensation. The rate of unemployment of women is higher than of men. Quite a number of establishments refuse to hire women. Some deprive women of equal opportunities for career advancement. Age consideration is another discriminating factor. Although the Labor Code defines the legal age brackets for employment, many establishments still prefer employing workers who are neither too young not too old. Finally, the issue of racial discrimination has become a disturbing reality for Filipino overseas workers who are forced to take menial jobs as domestic helpers and laborers even if their educational attainment and experience prove that they are over-qualified for the work the take. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS MET BY WORKERS IN RELATION TO TRADE UNIONS? Restrictive Laws E:\New Raw Materials for the FFW Website\Resources\BCTUmodules\LABOR PROBLEMS.doc 2